Friday, February 29, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Hole in wall on Scotland the Brave

After crow escapes through the fireplace, open the secret door and look at the left wall as you walk down, at one point there will be a hole that lets you see into the room where the past Cortez gets the key. This isn't A glitch I don't think, but it is kind of odd.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Falling enemy on Scotland the Brave

After you break down the fence with the car, look up towards the castle right before the area where the gunner is. You should see a soldier walking across a walkway, if you shoot him he will almost fall, then grab the side of the walkway and then loose his grip and fall to his death.

Morrowind - Literally flying

If you have ever used the levitate spell you know that it kind of like flying, but not quite. However if you combine this spell with really high speed, it is exactly like flying. Just use the fortify attribute glitch to get your speed to about a thousand and then go outside somewhere and cast levitate, you can fly very high above the ground and go just about anywhere in the map.

You can also use levitate with the "get of the map" trick that I mentioned in an earlier post to fly around a building and drop down into almost any room.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Morrowind - Damage indicator doesn't go away

If you walk through a door right as you take damage, the red border around the screen will stay there, pretty weird.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Bots do stuff we can't

The best way to see some of these glitches is to make a story map in map-maker.

Sometimes bots will fire flare guns fully automatic as if they didn't have to reload, and bots will fire the monkey gun a few rounds at a time like it was a machine gun.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Morrowind - Buy or Sell anything for any price

Use the fortify attribute + soultrap glitch with one luck spell and another one personality then cast the spells at the ground until both levels are to about 1000 or more.

Now you should be able to buy anything for 0 gold and sell anything for as much money as the seller has.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Morrowind - Leave the level

First of all you need to use the fortify skill + soul trap spell trick to get your speed level to a few thousand. If you don't know how to do this read this:

buy soul trap from the mages guild and a fortify attribute spell (the only one I can think of now is jack of trades from sayda neen) then make a spell with fortify speed any amount of points for 2 seconds on self and soul trap on target. Then cast the spell while looking at the ground and you will get speed points that wont go away.

Then get your speed to a thousand or so and run towards a door, if done correctly you will run through the door after a few tries and be outside of the level.

note that you may fall to your death while exploring the outside of the level

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Morrowind - Easy skills to train

Destruction - cast spells and you will master this skill in no time

Hand-to-hand - Attack some creatures with your bare hands like nix hounds and netch bulls.

Heavy Armor(medium, unarmored) - Let a weak creature attack you while wearing armor (if you want you can turn on infinite health)

Acrobatics - Jump up hills and staircases repeatedly to quickly get level ups in this skill.

Athletics - Run a lot or better yet, swim.

Long Blade - Use a longsword or a broadsword and go somewhere with plenty of enemies (a cavern, town, etc.)

note: I don't reccomend trainers to you unless you are very rich, they charge far too much money, it's better to train the skill yourself.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Cool trick on Mansion Of Madness Co-op

This only works in Co-op mode.

When you get to the room where crow pulls the lever and causes Cortez to fall into the mine cart, get the second player to walk in front of the cart until you get to the area where the track splits into two different directions, the second player should then stand on the left side of the track. Now the mine cart should hit that player causing them to move as fast as it does.

If you can manage to stay in front of the cart until the video starts it will show the second player in front of the cart for a second and then they will disappear.

Timesplitters Future Perfect- Talking during video on train

When you get the rocket launcher, go and shoot the helicopter (when the target is the center of the helicopter, it will be the shot that kills it) after shooting the final rocket at it, quickly run to the area where the video starts of Cortez climbing out of the train. If done correctly the video will start and the other Cortez and Anya will still be talking.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Morrowind - Easy level Up

Two Of the easiest skills to train to me, are Hand-To-Hand and Destruction.

To train destruction just cast a simple spell like fireball or spark against a wall or something (you can use infinite mana: black, black, white, white, hold A, press B)

And an even easier skill to train (if you can find something to fight) is hand-to-hand when your level is low weaker enemies will work, eventually you will have to kill about 2 netch to get a level up, but you can still get ten levels in 15-30 minutes.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Timesplitters 2 - Hunchback doesn't help

On the Notre Dame level, where the hunchback is supposed to help you save the maiden, shoot him right as he appears in the doorway to the left and he will stand there the whole time and won't move, even after you save the maiden.

note you may have to shoot him to get by

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Morrowind - Easy Armor and Unarmored skill

All you need for this is the right armor (heavy, light, or none) and a weak enemy (like a rat, ridge racer, hound etc.) you might want to turn on infinite health (black, white, black, black, black, hold A, press B) then just let it attack you while you watch tv or something. You should be able to get some good armor skill, just check the game everyone now and then and save in case it freezes.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Lots of sparks

On Scotland the Brave, got the area where you're supposed to blow the door with TNT, instead flip the truck that's over by the edge and get it where you can see the bottom of it (You could use the up-link with part of the fence to move it), then pick up a barrel and throw it at the bottom of the truck, it may take a few tries, but sometimes they will get stuck on the bottom of the truck, causing a lot of sparks.

note that sometimes the barrels will go through the truck entirely which is pretty weird.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

True Crime New York City - Look through wall at hotel

I'm not sure if this works with all hotels, but I'm pretty sure most of them are the same. Go in a hotel, go behind the counter, duck, and walk against the counter, now you should be using the counter as cover, walk to the right of the counter (toward the wall) and you can look through the wall and shoot through it by pressing left, just like you would do if there wasn't a wall there.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Glitches with monkeys

I've noticed three glitches while playing in monkey assistant.

1. got to another game mode, and then make a custom bot set with monkeys, go back to monkey assistant and the monkeys will still be there, but they won't appear.

2. Sometimes when you play at a level with a monkey in the recommended bot set, they will appear, but be invisible.

3. While playing a game at the training ground with character abilities on and all electro-tools while playing as a robot so I couldn't get hurt, I noticed that the monkey assistants died as easy as a level 1 bot.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Trap the gaurds

On khaloss express, after you use your up-link to save yourself from the gas, open the door and let the guards run into the room, then turn the gas back on by using the statue and they will die.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - burn the gaurd

On Scotland the Brave, you can shoot the barrels of beer down in the cellars, and then shoot them with a flare to make them catch on fire, also sometimes when you just shoot the barrel around the drunk guard and don't use a flare, when you get to the camera that shows that room, it will be on fire anyway

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Kill Zombie On Elevator

On the mission, What Lies Below, after the room where you have to kill all of the zombies so Jo-beth Casey can get free, there is a spot where you can see past the wall, and after a while an elevator goes down with a zombie on it, waving at you. Of course if you like you can shoot him in the head.

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Weird Glitch in Mansion Of Madness

This trick is one that I truly can't explain, but I'll post what happened anyway, and maybe someone can tell me what its cause is.

I was playing the second part of the mansion, what lies below, and when you see zombies and the scientist in the little glass rooms, there were two of both the scientist, and the zombie, which is quite strange.

If you read this and have seen this before, reply to this post.

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Weird Things in Intro

If you watch the intro that pops up if you don't hit any buttons for a while on the main menu, You will see some strange things, such as someone shooting a dispersion gun, and the bullets are red, and it shows them shooting the deerhaunter with a flamethrower, which doesn't harm it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Weird glitch with med unit robot

I did this trick on this trick in the room where you have to destroy the energy node to stop the time splitters from being created, however It will probably work with any med-unit on story mode.

Kill a med-unit robot, then quickly grab it with your up-link, if done correctly the med unit will freeze in the air, but you will still be holding an invisible version of it, you can throw it and it will explode wherever you throw it just like they normally do.

note that I've only tried this trick once, so I can't guarantee it will work until I try it again, I will update this post when I've confirmed it.

It works.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Timesplitters future perfect - Another way to get by lasers on the breaking and entering mission

The simple way to get by lasers is to use the mag-charger to shoot the little panels on the other side, however there is another way of doing it, just use the up-link to pick up a box and walk beside it so that it's between you and the side of the wall that the laser is coming from.

Doing this you should be able to walk right by them, good way to save ammo.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Announcement - Official google group

I made a google group for Xtreme Game Secrets a few minutes ago.

So be sure to check it out, there is a link to it under the "useful pages" section.

So if you want to discuss or comment on the blog, that should be a good place to do so.

Timesplitters future perfect - snipe enemy soldiers on Scotland the Brave

To do this trick, just go to the room with the cameras before the room where Captain Ash is standing in the prison. Go up the stairs and there will be a vintage rifle, if you don't have one pick it up, and then look out the small windows and you can see some soldiers running up toward the castle, and the best part is, you can kill them.

Timesplitters 2- The Master

On the Neo-tokyo level, you can go behind to the right of the stairs that you would usually walk down on at the begenning, and then follow that curving hall to a small shop that has the master in it.

If you walk up to him he will heal you and say words of advice.

Note that this only works at the end of the mission
(after you shut the splitters machine down)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - An extra challenge for story mode

If you want a new challenge in story mode, you should unlock and turn on the all characters cloak cheat, this will make all of your enemies invisible!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Timesplitters 2 - killing maiden

Although your objective is to save the maidens on the Notre Dame level, I think it is funny to shoot the rope that the last maiden is hanging from, sending her falling to the ground.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Timesplitters Future Perfect - Flying Cars

Go to Siberia, make all weapons remote mines, and if you want disable all of the bots.

Now find the jeep, try to drive it up the ramp to the dam, but then drive left, this should flip the car.

Now cover the bottom of the car with mines and flip it back.
Drive the car to anywhere you want it and then blow the mines up, it will go flying into the air.

You can use this trick to get the car on top of the dam, or even higher than that.

Also a good trick if you are playing against human enemies.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fable the lost chapters- Good place for xp early in the game

My favorite place to get XP early in the game (like before the wasp menace) is at the Hobbes cave.

You can go to Greatwood Caves, kill the Hobbes, go and kill everyone in the entrance, kill the Hobbes in the Main Chamber, then repeat the process to get all of the Xp you need.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Timesplitters future perfect - Better auto-aim

To do this, just go under options and controls, and then change cross hair from on and fixed to on and moving, now the cross hair will move more freely and also auto aim on enemies better.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Fable the lost chapters - Bereaver

no one really knows what the strongest sword in the game is, however the two that are very close in damage are the bereaver and the solus great sword.

To make the bereaver as strong as the solus greatsword you need to equip a sharpening augmentation to it.

They are both over 300 damage and can do thousands of damage with the right skills.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fable the lost chapters - Getting in the door at Greatwood gorge

You may already know that you can open the demon door at greatwood gorge by eating enough crunchy chickens, however there is one other way, and that is to be almost completely evil and talk to the door, it will let you through without you killing anyone or eating chickens.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Fable the lost chapters - Chin Beard

You can only get this beard one way (that I'm aware of) and that is to start the bargate prison mission and get the key after the second race, this way you will keep the chin beard you get after that year, then you can keep it until you get another one from a barber or until you go to the Northern Wastes.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Morrowind - A good place to get acrobatics xp

There's a little town outside of Viviec and some hills and mountains, at the top of one of these hills you will find several ridge racers, kill them and then jump up and down the hill and you will quickly get acrobatics xp.