Friday, May 15, 2009

Saints Row 2 - Stun Gun Glitches

While playing Saints Row 2, I've noticed several glitches related to the stun gun that can be obtained from police officers.

.If you use a stun gun to execute a human shield, it kills them in one shot, but if you shoot someone in the head with it, it will take several shots to kill them.

.If you shoot the stun gun and then run until your sprint/stamina meter runs out and then continue to hold the run button, the stun gun will continuously try to reload, causing an annoying clicking sound.

.If you shoot the driver of a car with the stun gun and then stand in front of them (just until the stun gun stops effecting them) they will not drive away, even if you move away from them or shoot at them(if you throw them out of the car they will run).

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