Monday, April 12, 2010

Special 10mm SMG in Deadly Premonition (XBOX 360)

Go to the Milk Barn convenience store in town and talk to Keith Ingram, choose to buy from him, and he should have one or more 'spiritual maps' for sale (depending on how far you are into the story). Select the first one and he will tell you a ghost story about the tunnel near the lumber mill. Now go outside and there should be an orange arrow on the screen to lead you to the tunnel. Near the middle of the tunnel is an area where you can enter the otherworld do this and you'll be in a round room full of zombies. You should kill all of the zombies, pick up any items they might drop and then enter the door behind you. Repeat this process several times (5 or so I think) and you will eventually end up in a room without zombies which will have two things: an area where you can leave the otherworld(don't do this yet) and behind that a work bench with an unlimited ammo version of the 10mm SMG with a 360 round clip(versus 180 for regular).


waste transfer station said...

Wow! That's cool!
I just hope this would come with a great deal! :D

plumbing said...

This is quite exciting. I am not into games but this truly excites me.

Double Glazing said...

Yeah! That is very deadly, such games like this are very outstanding and gives me an edge.

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